Friday, 5 July 2013

The Tradition of Using Commemorative Challenge Coins

The tradition of using challenge coins dates back to the World War 1, its traditions started from the States Army Air Service. As having a coin showed the association with a specific organization. As the coins used by different organizations have certain marks or identification design which prove them to be associated with the institution. Such coins give them a sense of bond and association and belonging to a specific organization, and used to be given to show the commemoration towards their dedication, service and achievements. As these coins are given at times of challenge to honor the person for his or her dedication, so they are customized made. These coins were given to those who performed well in the given challenge as an individual or in groups.  In the process of developing a certain challenge coin it is important to select such material and design which distinguishes shows your organization identity. These coins show your organization distinguishes your organization’s coins from the other coins used by different other institutions. There are various types of coins available in the market and also used by different organizations. The challenge coin used for the police officers is popular; it is appreciated to have such commemorative challenge coins which show their love and affection. 

These coins are customized as they are used to honor the soldiers who worked hard for their department and are honored in an authentic way. Such coins are handed out to such people at the memorial service or in award ceremonies. By giving such commemorative challenge coins to the selected people shows that they have a special place in the community, and they will be remembered for the contribution he or she has made to the department.  By honoring,  such coins make the community aware about various kinds of work and sacrifices people are making for them. 

This is not the only type of coin used by organizations. Various organizations have their own challenge coins. Which are made on the demand of the customer as he or she want it to be. There are commemorative coins for the wedding anniversaries, police challenge coins, military challenge coins of different departments, schools also use such coins to encourage students to perform well, fire brigade challenge coins, and different kinds of organizations have their own customized coins, and even certain coins exist which were made on the demand of president to honor specific people for their performance. 

The tradition of using such coins was to have a kind of identity mark with them but by the passage of time it has become the symbol of honor and appreciation as well. There are people who donate such coins to some trusts so that they can gather funds by using such coins as well. There are different coin making factories in the market which make such coins according to the demands of the customers, you can make challenge coins or commemorative coins according to your choice and can use different kind of material for them and can present or award it to the selective people.

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